How to download a dataset from OpenNeuro#
OpenNeuro is a free and open platform hosting over 1000 public, BIDS compliant datasets, including MRI, PET, MEG, EEG and iEEG datasets. In this tutorial, we’ll work with the data from one subject of one dataset that Gaponsetva (2023) used to validate MEGq. This section explains how to download a dataset from OpenNeuro:
Find the dataset: navigate to the OpenNeuro homepage (or follow the hyperlink) and search for the dataset using the Accession Number:
.Download options: When you click
you’ll be presented with several options:Download with your browser
Download from S3
Download with Node.js
Download with DataLad
Download with a shell script.
Given the dataset’s size (21 participants, 24.48 GB), dowloading the full dataset may be unnecessary. To save time and storage, we’ll dowload only one subject’s folder using Datalad.
Getting started with DataLad#
DataLadis a free and open source data tool for management of large datasets. It can be used to download a single subject folder from a dataset.
is properly installed on your environment: DataLad requiresgit-annex
version 8.20200309 (or higher). Verify your installation and, if needed, updategit-annex
git annex version
Install datalad within your environment:
pip install datalad
Clone the dataset repository: It copies the entire dataset’s structure, but only lightweight metada (such as .json), the actual data files (.fif in this case) are not downloaded, even thought they “broken links” placeholders will be created. Be sure you are working in your desired directory (with
), then run:
datalad install https\://
Download only the sub-009 folder: use the
command to download only the data for subject 009.
datalad get ds003483/sub-009/